About Us
Western Suburbs Cricket Club - Est 1947/48
"We've all got this Wests Cricket Club as a part of who we are.
We've given lots, over a long period of time and made fantastic memories.
We've made great friends along the way; cricket is great for that!"
- Peter Edmonds, WSCC Life Member and 1st Grade Player #169
We are a club with great culture, both on and off the field. As a club, we strive to uphold a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all our players to be able to play the game we love. We play hard, we play fair and do our best to uphold the spirit of the game. Come and join the Plovers Family today!

WSCC Life Member, Peter Edmonds #169
WSCC Committee 2022/23
- President: Andrew Trappel
- Vice-President: Ross McInytre
- Secretary: TBA
- Treasurer: Noel Lawler
- Junior President: Riley Harrison
- Junior Secretary: Lachlan Davies
- Junior Development Coach: Shannon Threlfo
- Media and Marketing: Katherine Maples
- Media and Marketing: George Hyde
- Registrar: Sam Collison
- Child Safety Officer: Sam Collison
- Committee Member: Warren Jarrett
- Committee Member: Mitchell Fisher
- Committee Member: Justin Partridge
- Committee Member: Lisa Partridge
- Committee Member: Lachlan Boyd-Partridge
- Committee Member: Joshua Wilton
- Committee Member: James Kealy
- Committee Member: Ricardo Poli
Captains 2022/23
1st Grade: | Mitchell Fisher |
2nd Grade: | Glynn Hayes |
3rd Grade: | Justin Partridge |
4th Grade: | Craig Kerry |
5th Grade: | Brett Holloway |